Professional Service

Qualified Domestic Relations Order

Document Preparation

What Is A Qualified Domestic Relations Order?

A QDRO is commonly called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order. It is an order of the court that recognizes the right of a spouse or former spouse or child to all or part of pensions or retirement accounts. It may be ordered as part of a property settlement or to pay back child support or back spousal support.

There are advantages to getting the QDRO filed with the court and signed by a judge at the same time or as soon as possible to the signing of the judgment. The plan participant may be more cooperative during this time. More choices of benefits may be available prior to retirement. Some benefits may not be recovered once received by a retiree. Some plans absorb the benefits after a participant’s death.

It is a good idea to get the QDRO signed and approved by the plan as a precaution against the plan participant’s sudden death.

QDROs are governed by these six rules:
A QDRO must meet certain requirements of the plan and of the court. We make sure your QDRO package contains all mandatory provisions.

We're Here To Help!

If you have any questions regarding qualified domestic relations orders, reach out to us. We’d love to answer any questions you have, and help clarify things for you.

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